Our Mission:
It shall be the purpose of this association to assist, promote, encourage and support the interests and welfare of the groundwater industry in all of its phases in the State of Maine; to foster, aid and promote scientific education, standards, research, and techniques in order to improve methods of drilling water well, pump installations, and monitoring well construction; to promote harmony and cooperation between water well, monitoring well contractors, pump installation contractors, scientific agencies and regulatory agencies relative to the proper development and protection of groundwater; to encourage cooperation of all interested groups relative to the improvement of drilling and pumping equipment; and to advance generally the mutual interest of all those engaged in the groundwater industry, in their own and the public interest in Maine.

1. Power: The Board of Directors shall manage the activities of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the affairs and business of the Corporation. 
 2. Number of Directors: Number of Directors: The number of Directors shall be at least six (6) but not more than eleven (11). Of those there may be (1) Out of State Resident, (1) Employee member, (1) Manufacturer/ Supplier member. There can be any combination of the 3 or none at all. All remaining Directors have to be Maine Residents AND Contractor Members.
 3. Election and Term of Directors: At each annual meeting Directors shall be elected to said office until the expiration of the term for which he or she is elected and until his or her successor has been elected and qualified, or until his or her prior resignation or removal. The immediate Past President, President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, by virtue of their election to those positions, shall be members of the Board of Directors. In addition, there shall be elected annually, from the voting membership, three(3) Directors, each to serve a term of two years. The President of the Association shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors.   

How to become a Member:  
1. The membership of this organization shall consist of Contractor; Employee; Scientist, Engineer & Public Agency; Manufacturers & Suppliers; Associate Member; Honorary Member.
2. Contractor Membership: A person may qualify to become a Contractor Member by meeting one of the following criteria:
a) Any person who has a current State of Maine Master Water Well Drillers license or Maine Master Pump Installer’s License
b) Any person who is active in the daily operations of a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship engaged in the groundwater industry in the State, that owns and operates water well drilling equipment, and shows proof of ownership in said corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship, subject to the limitation that only three such owners of stock, or only three members of a partnership, who do not have a Master Water Well Drillers license, may become a Contractor member.
3. Employee Membership: Any person that is employed by a State of Maine Licensed Well Drilling or Pump Installation Company. Employee members shall be subject to these By-Laws and shall be entitled to all privileges of this Association except voting and holding an officer position (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), they may become a director. Employee members may be appointed to and serve on Committees. The one single Employee member that may be a director can vote on matters being discussed during the Board of Director’s meeting but is not able to vote during general/special meeting business.
4. Scientists, Engineers & Public Agencies: Any person engaged in the supervision, regulation, evaluation, development or study of the groundwater industry. These members shall be subject to these By-Laws and shall be entitled to the privileges of this Association except voting and holding office. These members may be appointed and serve on committees.
5. Manufacturers & Suppliers: Any person or company engaged in the business of supplying or manufacturing of equipment, materials or supplies used in the groundwater industry. These members shall be subject to these By-Laws and shall be entitled to the privileges of this Association except voting and holding office. These members may be appointed and serve on committees. The one single Manufacturer/Supplier member that may be a director can vote on matters being discussed during the Board of Director’s meeting but is not able to vote during general/special meeting business.
6. Associate Member: Any person or company that is interested in the groundwater industry who is not eligible to become a member of another membership section. These members shall be subject to these By-Laws and shall be entitled to the privileges of this Association except voting and holding office. These members may be appointed and serve on committees.
7. Honorary Member: Persons of acknowledged eminence in the groundwater industry in the State of Maine, or those who have contributed a special service to the furtherance of this industry and association.
Persons eligible for honorary membership shall be recommended for approval by the Board of Directors and will be accepted upon approval of a majority of the voting members at any regular or special meeting.
Honorary & Scientist, Engineers, & Public Agency members are exempt from association membership fees and shall retain all rights and privileges otherwise afforded their respective general class of membership.
All other classes of membership will have to pay dues as determined by the board of directors.
All prospective Contractor; Employee; Scientist, Engineer & Public Agency, Manufacturer & Supplier; Associate or Honorary members shall complete a membership application which shall be reviewed by the Board of Director's. The President will appoint a committee to review and approve or reject the applications for contractor membership. If the committee accepts the applicant they will be approved, if an applicant is rejected by the committee then the application will be sent to the full Board of Directors for a vote. At this time, the applicant will have the opportunity to represent themselves at
the meeting to discuss their application. Honorary Members need not complete a membership application, however, they must be approved by the voting membership.​

By-Laws of Maine Groundwater Association

Who We Are:

About Us:

​​​​​​Dedicated ​to providing quality ground water.


                                Maine Ground Water Association

                                          Meeting Maine's Water Needs