
                                Maine Ground Water Association

                                          Meeting Maine's Water Needs                                  

​​​​​​Dedicated ​to providing quality ground water

Find a highly trained and qualified professional near you.

​​​​​​Members of the Maine Groundwater Association are highly trained professionals. To find an expert that meets your needs and serves your area please consider the following contractors:

A-Z Water Systems, Inc.

Owner:  Carl Levesque

24 Freedom Drive, Standish, ME  04084

Phone:  (207) 766-6210

Web Site:  a-zwatersystems.com

Email:  carl@a-zwatersystems.com  

Area Served:  Androscoggin, Cumberland and York Counties

Services:  Well drilling, well pump repair, water testing, water filtration and hydro-fracturing

Ace Well Service, Inc.
Larry Oakes
857 Back River Road, Boothbay, ME 04537
Phone: (207) 633-2777
Fax: (207) 633-0823
Email:  loakes1@roadrunner.com
Area served: Midcoast (Lincoln County, Bath and Brunswick)
Services: Well drilling, pump installing and repair

Affordable Well Drilling, Inc.
Owner:  James R. Bisson
28 Bowdoinham Road, Sabattus, ME  04280
Phone:  (207) 375-7204
Fax:  (207) 375-7205
Web Site:  www.affordablewelldrillingmaine.net
Email:  affordablewelldrillinginc@gmail.com
Area Served:  Cumberland, Androscoggin, York, Lincoln, Franklin, Oxford, Kennebec, Sagadahoc, Waldo, and Somerset counties
Services:  Well drilling, pump systems, hydro-fracturing, service work, geothermal, down-hole video inspections

Atlantic Water Solutions, LLC

Owner:  Cindy Killer

P. O. Box 602, Alfred, ME  04002

Phone:  (800) 696-9355

Web Site:  www.atlanticwatersolutions.com 

Email:  atlanticwatersolutionsme@gmail.com

Area served: Androscoggin, Cumberland, Southern Kennebec, Oxford, Sagadahoc, and York Counties

Services:  Water Filtration, Water Testing, Well Pump Repair and Well Chlorination

Beaver Hill Well and Pump, Inc.
Alan Goodrich
207 Elm Street, Springvale, ME 04083
Phone: (207) 324-1645
Web Site:www.beaverhillwellandpump.com 
Area served: Serving York County since 1986.
Services: Pump systems and pump repair

Bob Temple Well Drilling, Inc.
 Bob Temple and Hollis Temple
2055 Augusta Road, Bowdoin, ME  04287
Phone:  (207) 666-3224
Fax:  (207) 666-3224
Cell:  (207) 522-1425
Email:  bobtemplewelldrilling@comcast.net 
Area Served:  Midcoast region, Southern and Central Maine
Services:  Well drilling, water pump installations, filtration systems and service

Burns Inc.
  Richard Burns
280 Wilton Road, Farmington, ME  04938
Phone:  (207) 778-3813
Fax:  (207) 778-0809
Website:  www.burnswelldrilling.com 
Email: burnsinc@myfairpoint.net
Area Served:  Franklin, Somerset, Oxford and Kennebec Counties
Services:  Well drilling, pump, filter installation and service.  Pump and tank sales

C & R Well and Pump
Bret Bowley
301 Litchfield Road, Bowdoin, ME 04287
Phone: (207) 666-5687
Mobile: (207) 751-4719
Web Site:  www.crwellandpump.com

Area served: Midcoast and Southern Maine
Services: Water wells, pumping systems, Geothermal, drilling and grouting, hydro-fracking, Residential and commercial

Delwin Philbrick Well Drilling

Owner: Delwin Philbrick

Phone: (800) 547-3349

Area served: Kennebec, Somerset, and Central Maine

Services: Well drilling and well pump repair

Gallants Artesian Wells
Owners: Travis Morton, Peter Morton, and Marsha Morton
71 School Street, Damariscotta, ME 04543
Phone: (207) 563-8181
Fax: (207) 563-8147
Web Site: www.gallantswells.com
Area served: Midcoast region, Freeport to Searsport
Services:  Well drilling, pumps and geothermal


Gary Gould Well Drilling

Owners: Gary Gould

58 Kendall Rd., Winterport, ME 04496

Phone: (207) 223-5393

Area served: Central and Coastal Maine

Services: Well drilling, pump systems, residential, commercial and island work

Gilbert Well Drilling Inc.
John S. Gilbert
8 Fletcher Street, Ellsworth, ME 04605
Phone:  (207) 667-8237
Fax: (207) 663-3563
Area served: Coastal
Services: Well drilling

Goodwin Well and Water, Inc.
Ike Goodwin, Dana Goodwin, Jesse Goodwin, Scott Abbotts
2282 Auburn Road, Turner, ME 04282
Phone: (800) 287-7861
Fax: (207) 224-7174
Web Site:  www.goodwinwellandwater.com
Email:  sabbotts@goodwinwellandwater.com
Area served: Central and Southern Maine
Services: Well drilling, pump systems, water filtration and treatment, hydro-fracturing, service work, geothermal, down-hole video inspections

H2O Well Drilling
Trevor Gould
417 Miles Road, Dixmont, ME 04932
Phone: (207) 234-2889
Area served: Central and Eastern Maine
Services: Well drilling, pumps, geothermal

H2O Pumps, Inc.

Owner: Perry Estabrook

55 Boyd Dr., West Bath, ME 04530

Phone: (207) 751-4910

Email: h2opumpsinc@gmail.com

Area Served: Sagadahoc, Androscoggin, Cumberland, Kennebec & Lincoln Counties

Services: Residential & commercial water system installation and service. Filtration, low flow water solutions, water storage systems, water delivery, small public water system replacement and service and island work

Hansen’s Well Drilling, Inc.
Susan and Patrick Smith
68 Phinney Street, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 839-3293
Web Site:www.hansenswelldrilling.com
Email: hansenswell@gmail.com

Area served: Southern and Western Maine
Services: Wells, pumps and hydro-fracturing 

Haskell's Well Drilling, Inc.
  Warren Haskell and Russell Cookingham
46 Farwell Drive (Route 90), Rockland, ME  04841
Phone:  (207) 594-4947
Fax:  (207) 596-6239
Web Site:  www.haskellwater.com
Email:  info@haskellwater.com
Area served:  Knox, Waldo and Lincoln counties
Services:  Well drilling, pump systems, water filtration, well repair and geothermal

Hatch Well Drillers
 Marc Stevens & Joe Ball
13 East Pond Road, Nobleboro, ME  04555
Phone:  207-563-3003
Fax:  207-563-3211  
Web Site: www.hatchwelldrillers.net
Email:   hatchwelldrillers@gmail.com
Area served:  Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, Kennebec and Sagadahoc Counties
Services:  Well drilling, pump systems, water filtration and treatment, hydro-fracturing, service work, geothermal and down-hole video inspections

Hillock and Son Well Drilling
  Roger Hillock
254 Holmes Road, P. O. Box 1359, Scarborough, ME  04070
Phone:  (207) 883-2454
Email:  driller@maine.rr.com
Area Served:  Cumberland and York Counties
Services:  gravel and drilled wells

Stanley E. Hillock Well Drilling, Inc.
 Joe Gallant and Edwin Gallant
52 Mitchell Hill Road, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 839-3030
Web site:www.hillockwell.com
Email: Hillock3030@myfairpoint.net
Area served: Southern Maine
Services: Water pumps

Hodgdon Well Drilling
Scott Hodgdon
53 Mechanic Falls Road, Poland, ME 04258
Phone: (207) 782-4533
Fax:  (207) 782-4120
Area served: Maine and New Hampshire
Services: Well drilling, geothermal, pump systems installed and repaired, water filtration

Innis Well Drilling, LLC
Jim Innis
64 14th Street, Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 942-5646 or (207) 659-3620 (cell)
Fax: (207) 942-5646
Web Site:www.inniswelldrilling.com
Area served: Penobscot, Hancock, and Piscataquis counties
Services: Well drilling, pump systems serviced and installed, filtration, geothermal, well inspection, cleaning and repair

Judd Goodwin Well Co
 Judd Goodwin
PO Box 17, Greenville, ME  04441
Phone: (207) 695-3645
Fax: (207) 695-3645
Email:   goodwinjudd@yahoo.com
Area Served: Eastern, Southern New Hampshire.  Southern Maine, Piscataquis, Somerset and Penobscot Counties Maine
Services:  Residential and Commercial Well Drilling, Pump Repair and Installation

Kennebec Well Drilling

Owner: Ted Rolfe

44 Rolfe Rd., Farmingdale, ME 04344

Phone: (207) 446-0222

Email: tedrolfe@kennebecwelldrilling.com

Lawrence Lord and Sons, Inc.
Terry Lord and Larry Lord
1260 Airline Road, Alexander, ME 04694
Phone: (207) 454-2612  (800) 287-LORD
Fax: (207) 454-7225
Web Site:www.lordwells.com 
Email: lordwelldrilling@yahoo.com
Area served: Our work area includes Washington, Hancock, Penobscot, and Southern Aroostook counties
Services: Well drilling, geothermal drilling, pump installation, well grouting, well hydro-fracture on low-yielding wells

Ted McLeod Inc.
Ted McLeod Jr.
PO Box 6150, Hermon, ME 04402
Phone: (207) 848-5520
Fax: (207) 848-5220
Web Site:www.tedmcleodwaterwells.com
Area served: Penobscot, Piscataquis, Waldo, Somerset, Aroostook, Washington, and Hancock counties
Services: Well drilling, pump install and repair, geothermal drilling and installation

Pine State Drilling, Inc.
Barry Sandford, Rebecca Sandford, and Chad Grignon
PO Box 196, Athens, ME 04912
Phone: (207) 654-2771
Fax: (207) 654-2030
Web Site:www.pinestatedrilling.com
Area served: All of Maine
Services: Well drilling, pumps, geothermal, filtration

Randy Marquis Well, Pump & Filter
 Randy Marquis
1 Alpine Drive, Sanford, ME  04073
Phone:  207-459-0720
Web Site:  www.marquiswellandpump.com 
Email:  marquiswelldrilling@hotmail.com
Area served:  York, Cumberland and Oxford counties
Services:  Pump install or repair, water filtration, well drilling, geothermal, camera and water testing

Rolfe’s Well Drilling
Raymond Rolfe
488 Northern Ave., Farmingdale, ME,  04344
Phone: (207) 622-4018
Fax: (207) 622-4018
Area served: Central Maine and surrounding areas
Services: Well drilling, pump installation, hydro-fracture and geothermal

Shannon Drilling Inc
Christopher Getchell
PO Box 870, Machias, ME 04654
Phone: (207) 255-6149
Web Site:www.shannondrillinginc.webs.com 
Email: shannondrilling@gmail.com
Area served: Washington and Hancock counties
Services: Water well drilling, geothermal drilling, pump installation and filtration systems

Skillings & Sons, LLC.
Owner: Roger Skillings and Norman Skillings
9 Columbia Drive, Amherst, NH 03031
Phone: (800) 441-6281
Web Site: www.skillingsandsons.com 
Email: info@skillingsandsons.com
Area served: York county
Services: Water treatment, geothermal wells, well & pump service, irrigation wells, water testing, well drilling

Sunco Pump and Well Drilling, Inc.
Ross and Terri Deschaine
280 Sabattus Road, Sabattus, ME 04280
Phone: (207) 375-4661
Fax: (207) 375-4687
Web Site:www.suncodrilling.com 
Email: terri@suncodrilling.com
Area served: Androscoggin County and surrounding areas (including Oxford areas)
Services: Water wells, and installation and repair of water pumps for residential and commercial

Temple Well Drilling Inc.
Scott Temple and Adelbert Temple IV
334 Post Road, Bowdoinham, ME 04008
Phone: (207) 666-3026
Fax: (207) 666-3026
Web Site: www.templewelldrillinginc.com
Email: templewelldrilling@gmail.com
Area served: Central, Midcoast, Southern and Western Maine
Services: Well drilling, pump sales and service, filtration, geothermal drilling

Watson Well Drilling, Inc.
  James and Oral Watson
1565 US Hwy 1, Littleton, ME  04730
Phone:  (207) 538-9512
Fax:  (207) 538-9512
Area served:  Southern Aroostook and Central Northern Penobscot
Services:  Well Drilling

Weeks and Sons Well Drilling
Mark and Michelle Weeks
29 County Road, Oakland, ME 04963
Phone: (207) 465-3753
Fax: (207) 465-3753
Web Site:  www.weekswells.com  
Area served: Central Maine
Services: Well drilling, hydro-fracking, well inspection, water pumps, filtration systems

Williams and Taplin
Mark Taplin
PO Box 173 (1286 Pleasant Street), Blue Hill, ME 04614
Phone: (207) 374-5447
Area served: Hancock, Washington, and Penobscot counties
Services: Well drilling, pumps, video inspections with camera, geothermal wells

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