​​​​​​Dedicated ​to providing quality ground water.


                                Maine Ground Water Association

                                          Meeting Maine's Water Needs                                  


Learn more about groundwater issues and well technology.

The following sources offer useful information about groundwater and well drilling issues. 

To learn more please contact these experts.

American Ground Water Trust:  Discover the environment and economic value of ground water and learn about water science and technology solutions.

Environmental Protection Agency:  Keep abreast of national ground water quality.

International Ground Source Heat Pump Association:  Follow the latest news about heat pump technology.

Maine State Drinking Water Program:  Private well information for homeowners.

Maine State Well Water Quality:  Information for drinking water consumers.

Maine Well Drillers Commission:  Follow the meetings of the Maine Well Driller's Commission.

​Maine Geological Survey Water Well Database:  Search the database for well coordinates and descriptive information such as; well yield, depth, overburden thickness, well use and well type.

National Groundwater Association:  Learn about ground water's role in economic vitality.

Wellowner.org:  Learn about well basics, well maintenance, geothermal heat pumps and groundwater.

Maine Motor Transport Association:  Learn about being in compliance as a motor carrier.

Safety Works!-Maine Department of Labor:  Learn how to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths and reduce related costs.